However, Rare Supply Drops guarantee you one Rare or better item, and Epic Supply Drops guarantee one Epic item. Like Supply Drops, Rare and Epic Supply Drops also award three customization items. Rare and Epic Supply Drops are available as rewards for completing specific Orders and Contracts in online Multiplayer. To open a Supply Drop in Nazi Zombies, press R2 while in the Nazi Zombies menu. To open a Supply Drop in Multiplayer, press R2 while in Headquarters and use the menu in the bottom right-hand corner. We’ve also included a handful of highly sought-after Weapon Variants that can be found in common Supply Drops or earned by completing designated Orders or Contracts, giving you a better chance of obtaining these fan favorites. In Nazi Zombies, Zombie Supply Drops contain five items: two Multiplayer-exclusive items and three Nazi Zombies consumable items. Supply Drops in Multiplayer contain three items used to customize your profile, your Soldier, or your currently unlocked weapons. In Multiplayer, you can also earn Supply Drops for completing Orders and Contracts where a Supply Drop is listed as a reward.

The most common type of Supply Drops in Multiplayer and Nazi Zombies are earned by playing the game online.